Monday, January 22, 2007

Saturday, 1/20/07

What Bruce has feared would happen, happened today. I fell!

I didn't fall because I was weak or dizzy, but just because my leg muscles gave out on me and they wouldn't hold me up when I tried walking from the living room to the kitchen.

If any of my wonderful friends from the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Support message board that are reading this have suggestions for me, please let me know. Although Bruce has experienced extreme weakness with his own cancer, it was associated more with low blood counts, than with muscle deterioration.

I spent part of today working on my Hospital Scrapbook and periodically checking in on the Cyber Crop at Memory Book Inspirations. I also rested a lot, although, thanks to the high doses of Decadron that I'm on, I'm unable to really sleep.

I received a huge bouquet of flowers from Bruce's aunt and uncle today, as well as a generous donation from them towards our medical bills. Thanks Laurice and Bill! We love and miss you guys and we wish we could hug and thank you in person!


Donna said...

Hi Trudi, I lite a candle for you at church this weekend. It really helped me get through Kara's illnes. I was so glad to read your post on the NHL board. I'm sending a couple of pictures from Kara's wedding for your scrapbook, hope you enjoy them. It was such a great idea! You certainly need to stay positive now, which I know you are, you are such a special person. I will keep you in my prayers, I know you will get through this. Hugs. Donna

Dan Jones said...

Trudi, I pray daily for your healing. God called Himself, "I am the LORD who heals who." That is His name, so we can safely pray for a person's healing "in His name," since that prayer is in harmony with who God has revealed Himself to be. Jesus said to "keep on asking, keep on seeking, keep on knocking." I will.

Dan Jones

someone else said...

You've been in my prayers, too. Your story has touched my heart in a deep way.

Debbie H said...


Just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts always. I know the strength that you have given so many of us is in reserve in God's hands to deliver to you. I hope this fight will not be too hard on you. You mean so much to a lot of people -- even a stranger like me who you have touched so deeply through your persistence with the NHL Board. Understand that we are with you and all of our strength and hope and wishes are with you too. Recover soon an easily.

Warmest hugs,
Debbie (H)

Henryhorn said...

Hello Trudi, not many suggestions re your weakness in your legs, but my sister did go through a stage exactly like this and once her treatment stopped she gradually got the strength back again.
She used a scooter to get about outside and a wheelchair at times too.
Some months after her treatment ended she felt able to discard the scooter and walk reasonably well again, (ie a morning's shopping round the supermarket for example)
I think just go slowly and steadily for now and once the chemotherapy stops your body will regain it's strength.
Thinking about you every day...