For those of you who don't know, my husband, Bruce, was diagnosed with a cancer of the lymph system over 20 years ago. His cancer was at an advanced stage when he was diagnosed and it's an incurable form of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, so we were told he could die within a month, and at most, he probably only had 2 years to live. Although Bruce still has cancer and isn't even technically in a remission at the moment, next month (February), it will be 21 YEARS since his diagnosis!
Anyway, Bruce started going to the Glens Falls Cancer Center approximately 11 years ago. Since I attend most of Bruce's appointments with him, everyone there is used to seeing me in the role of a Caregiver, not as a Patient. It's strange for all of us to have me being the sick one.
I saw my regular oncologist today and he said if I can't start holding down fluids and solids, I'm going to have to be admitted to the hospital for artificial feeding. Dreary thought!
Since I was dehydrated, I was given extra fluids along with my chemotherapy today. The chemotherapy went uneventfully, except the room I recieved it in was freezing. The next time, I'll have to remember to bring some extra warm clothing with me! Also, to bring some VCR tapes to watch while I'm getting my chemo. They have a VCR machine there, but not much of a selection for tapes.
While I was having my blood drawn today, our favorite phlebotomist, Beth, shared with me a prayer that she had prayed the night before. It was based on the Bible Verse:
I can do all things through Christ which strengthen me.
Philippians 4:13
Beth hadn't been feeling well, so she was praying that verse. While she was praying, it occurred to her that our bodies really ARE made to be strengthened and healed, so she shared that with me.
I took that prayer with me to my radiation treatment, and while getting my treatment, I thanked Christ for allowing the radiation to destroy the cancerous cells in my brain, and for protecting and healing my irritated throat, esophagus and stomach. I thanked Him for strengthening my healthy cells and body, so I could heal. For the first time, I didn't mind getting the radiation treatment!
After coming home from the hospital after a very long day, there was a HUMONGOUS basket filled with goodies at the house, waiting for me. It was sent to me by my online friends from the forums at Memory Book Inspirations and from the Golden Scrapbookers Group. You ladies are the best! Thank you!!!
1 comment:
You are truly an inspiration. To find gratitude in your suffering. To allow your suffering to magnify His power. I am blessed by this journal of yours...
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