When it came time for Dr. Ferrera to inform us that it appeared I had advanced lung cancer, he delivered the bad news with the utmost compassion and empathy.
After I was admitted to the hospital, we assumed we'd have no further contact with Dr. Ferrera. To our surprise however, he came to my hospital room to visit with me early New Year's Eve, to offer support and to see if we had any unanswered questions.
He stayed a long time, asking about my treatment plan, reassuring me that I was in good hands, and expressing genuine concern for me. When he left, he told us he was going to be going away on vacation with his daughter in a couple of days, but that he'd try to get up to see me again before he left.
The night of New Year's Day, Dr. Ferrera called my hospital room. He explained that he had planned on visiting me again, but due to all the accidents caused by the drunks on the icy roads on New Year's Eve, he was exhausted and New Year's Day was just as bad in the ER for him. He wanted to apologize for not getting up to see me again and to check in with me one last time, before he left on his vacation.
Over the years, we've had many experiences with Emergency Room doctors, but we have never felt in more competent, caring, and professional hands than this.
I would like to publicly thank Dr Ferrera, and to recognize him as being an exceptional emergency room physician!
Your story leaves me speechless. I will continue to follow it, and pray for you and your family.
I just read your blog and wanted you to know I will pray for you. Keep fighting.
"So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
Just wanted to add, in case you were interested that there is a free webiste/blog for cancer patients called Care Pages:
my dad is currently fighting prostate cancer and it is a good place to leave updates.
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