Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday, 1/10/07

After I had my radiation treatment today, I had an appointment with the nutritionist. She gave me some anti-nausea lollipops to try. She also gave me some hints on ways to add protein to my diet, if and when I'm able to start eating. Right now, I'm still struggling with holding down liquids, forget solids!

You know the expression, "When it rains, it pours"? Well, I guess you could consider this a soaking wet day!

First off, Bruce's partial denture fell apart. And, I do mean FELL APART! It was almost as if it just disintegrated! Like the poor guy doesn't have enough problems and worries, without that happening right now.

Our Beagle also got lost on this day! She's an indoor dog, because she has a lot of health problems of her own. Apparently, when we left for the hospital today though, she somehow managed to get down into the cellar and out the garage door, without us even realizing it. It wasn't until we got home from the hospital later in the day, that we realized she was missing.

It was a cold day, so were concerned, and as I said, she too has health problems. Bruce called any of our neighbors that were home, to ask them to keep an eye out for her. He also called the local dog officer, to report her missing. Then he drove up and down the area roads, for what seemed like an eternity, calling for her. We were both devastated and were beginning to lose hope that we'd find her in time. As Bruce was giving up the search though and coming home, he thought to look in our neighbor's yard one last time. There she was!

She was shivering from the cold, the pads of her feet looked like they might be frost bitten, and one pad looked like it was bleeding, so Bruce took her to the vets. She checked out OK though! Thank you Jesus for protecting our dog!

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