Monday, February 5, 2007

Tuesday, 1/30/07

Bruce called the dentist office today. They were open, but our dentist is out of the country! He'll be back on Thursday though, so we can drop the partial off on our way to the hospital when I go for chemo.

I'm not sure anyone really wants to hear this, but...

I developed diarrhea today.

Bone pain (a side-effect from Neulasta) started in my right hip today.

I am SO tired! Please be praying that I'm able to get some sleep soon!


Jessica Nichols said...


Alleve is the only thing that I've found to take the edge of the bone pain. Keep it steady in your system.

I hope you start sleeping soon. Do you have Ambien? Sleep is so important but especially it's a little escape from the situation at hand. This is no time to try and sleep on your own. I waited till round 4 of CHOP to give in and take Ativan on the really bad days. Dumb idea. Don't be like me, get some meds and some sleep sweetie.

Gig Hugs,

santacarver said...


Hang in there, and keep smiling.

We are thinking of you and praying for you.

Humongous hugs and kisses,
Gene & Sandi